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Inicio  /  ChemEngineering  /  Vol: 2 Par: 3 (2018)  /  Artículo

Solar Fuels by Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: From Understanding Chemical Bases to Process Development

Alberto Olivo    
Danny Zanardo    
Elena Ghedini    
Federica Menegazzo and Michela Signoretto    


The development of sustainable yet efficient technologies to store solar light into high energy molecules, such as hydrocarbons and hydrogen, is a pivotal challenge in 21st century society. In the field of photocatalysis, a wide variety of chemical routes can be pursued to obtain solar fuels but the two most promising are carbon dioxide photoreduction and photoreforming of biomass-derived substrates. Despite their great potentialities, these technologies still need to be improved to represent a reliable alternative to traditional fuels, in terms of both catalyst design and photoreactor engineering. This review highlights the chemical fundamentals of different photocatalytic reactions for solar fuels production and provides a mechanistic insight on proposed reaction pathways. Also, possible cutting-edge strategies to obtain solar fuels are reported, focusing on how the chemical bases of the investigated reaction affect experimental choices.

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