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Emerging Technologies and Their Link to Digital Competence in Teaching

Miguel Ángel García-Delgado    
Sonia Rodríguez-Cano    
Vanesa Delgado-Benito and María Lozano-Álvarez    


The new educational reality requires teachers to have a series of skills and competences that allow them to improve the teaching?learning process and therefore the quality of teaching, integrating technology and emerging technologies. In order to assess the competence level of teachers, a descriptive study was designed, in which 101 teachers from different stages and geographical locations in Spain took part and were administered the DigCompEdu Check-in questionnaire. The results show average levels of teachers? digital competence (B1 and B2, particularly), and an incipient use of emerging technologies by teachers, with less than 50% of the sample not using these technologies in their daily classroom activities, although those who show a higher level of digital competence are also those who integrate them more in their daily work. The results correspond with similar studies, corroborating the average level of teachers? digital skills.

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