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Inicio  /  Buildings  /  Vol: 13 Par: 3 (2023)  /  Artículo

Influence of Small Radius Curved Shield Tunneling Excavation on Displacement of Surrounding Soil

Bo Yang    
Chengyao Zhang    
Na Su and Zhaoran Xiao    


In contrast to straight tunnels, the mechanisms of displacement of surrounding soil induced by shield excavation of small radius curved tunnels are more complex. Based on field monitoring data of surface settlement and horizontal displacement of a small radius curved shield tunnel in a section of Zhengzhou Metro Line 3, a numerical model using three-dimensional a finite element method is established to evaluate factors of the displacement of surrounding soil. The results verify the validity of numerical simulation by comparison with field monitoring data and the influence of unbalanced additional thrust at tail jacks, curvature radius of a tunnel and tail grouting pressure on surface settlement and horizontal displacement of surrounding soil. Maximum surface settlement and horizontal displacement of surrounding soil at the outer side and inner side of curved tunnel axes are positively related to thrust ratio, while negatively related to curvature radius and grouting pressure. The ultimate objective of this study is to ascertain factors of displacement of surrounding soil induced by small radius shield excavation and provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the design and construction of similar tunnel.

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