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Inicio  /  Infrastructures  /  Vol: 3 Par: 4 (2018)  /  Artículo

Integration of Thermoactive Metro Stations in a Smart Energy System: Feedbacks from the Grand Paris Project

Yvon Delerablée    
Dina Rammal    
Hussein Mroueh    
Sébastien Burlon    
Julien Habert and Charline Froitier    


During the next 15 years, around 200 km of tunnels and 68 new metro stations will be built around Paris to increase the capacity of the existing metro and the transport efficiency. The Société du Grand Paris?the public entity in charge of the design and the execution of this new network?is also highly concerned by the development and the use of renewable energy within this project, especially the integration of thermoactive metro stations in a smart energy system. This paper discusses some issues related to this strategy within the ?Grand Paris Project?. The first part presents how smart technology could help to the integration of thermoactive metro stations into the urban energy system, while the second part addresses the following issues: assessment of the geothermal potential, estimate of the energy demand, ground investigations, thermal design, and finally system monitoring. The mechanical design is not considered in this paper. The paper shows the pertinence of the smart energy system for the integration of the thermoactive metro stations energy and the procedure for its implementation.

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