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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 17 (2020)  /  Artículo

Opening Size Effects on Airflow Pattern and Airflow Rate of a Naturally Ventilated Dairy Building?A CFD Study

Chayan Kumer Saha    
Qianying Yi    
David Janke    
Sabrina Hempel    
Barbara Amon and Thomas Amon    


Airflow inside naturally ventilated dairy (NVD) buildings is highly variable and difficult to understand due to the lack of precious measuring techniques with the existing methods. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was applied to investigate the effect of different seasonal opening combinations of an NVD building on airflow patterns and airflow rate inside the NVD building as an alternative to full scale and scale model experiments. ANSYS 2019R2 was used for creating model geometry, meshing, and simulation. Eight ventilation opening combinations and 10 different reference air velocities were used for the series of simulation. The data measured in a large boundary layer wind tunnel using a 1:100 scale model of the NVD building was used for CFD model validation. The results show that CFD using standard k-e turbulence model was capable of simulating airflow in and outside of the NVD building. Airflow patterns were different for different opening scenarios at the same external wind speed, which may affect cow comfort and gaseous emissions. Guiding inlet air by controlling openings may ensure animal comfort and minimize emissions. Non-isothermal and transient simulations of NVD buildings should be carried out for better understanding of airflow patterns.

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