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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 12 Par: 7 (2020)  /  Artículo

Techniques and Applications in Water Science and Engineering

Jian Guo Zhou    
Haifei Liu    
Alistair Borthwick and Carlo Gualtieri    


This Special Issue of Water on ?Techniques and Applications in Water Science and Engineering? publishes selected high-quality research papers presented at the Inaugural International Symposium on Water Modelling (iSymWater2019). The symposium was hosted by Beijing Normal University and Manchester Metropolitan University, and took place during 8?10 July 2019 in Beijing, China. A wide range of research topics were considered, including hydraulic modelling, hydro-environment modelling, hydro-ecology modelling, water management simulation, physical experiments, and software. The Issue reports eight papers by researchers from many institutions around the world, and focuses on solving sustainable water challenges through theoretical and physical modelling approaches.

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