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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 13 (2021)  /  Artículo

Modeling of the Suspended Solid Removal of a Granular Media Layer in an Upflow Stormwater Runoff Filtration System

Yuhoon Hwang    
Younggyo Seo    
Seokoh Ko and Dogun Kim    


Upflow granular media filtration devices are widely used for stormwater runoff treatment. However, the system performance is not well characterized due to the irregular removal of suspended solid (SS) in the pretreatment (sedimentation) chamber and, hence, its irregular input to the media layer. In this regard, the performance of the granular media layer of an upflow filtration system is investigated herein by the use of various models. Due to the significant variation in the SS concentration of the influent and effluent to and from the media layer, the deep bed filtration model, the k-C* model, and the porous media capture model provide limited descriptions of the system performance. By contrast, the performance is well described using the kinetic model, the modified k-C* model using a specific deposit, and the modified porous media capture model using a specific deposit. The parameters of the latter models are shown to be in good correlation with the filtration velocity, SS removal, and specific deposit. The results suggest that modeling using a specific SS deposit can provide an accurate description of the granular media layer performance under a highly variable influent SS concentration.

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