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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 14 Par: 21 (2022)  /  Artículo

Effect of Seawater Intrusion on the Formation of Chlorinated and Brominated Trihalomethanes in Coastal Groundwater

Naseeba Parveen and Sudha Goel    


Around the world, coastal groundwater is increasingly subject to seawater intrusion (SWI). The quality and characteristics of such waters differ from those of surface and groundwater. In the current study, trihalomethane (THM) formation under varying levels of SWI, natural organic matter (NOM), and chloride-to-bromide (Cl/Br) ratio was evaluated. Different levels of SWI were simulated by mixing deionized water with real seawater (RSW) collected from the Indian Ocean or synthetic seawater (SSW) by varying seawater volumes from 0% to 3%. Humic acid (0 to 5 mg/L) was added to represent NOM at concentrations mimicking natural levels of dissolved organic carbon. The chlorine demand of the simulated water samples was significantly correlated to SWI levels and NOM concentrations. THM concentration in SSW increased from 12.64 µg/L to 105.34 µg/L after 24 h and to 115.8 µg/L after 48 h for an increase from 0% to 3% volume of seawater. For water samples simulated with RSW, maximum THMs after 24 h were 119.2 µg/L, and after 48 h were 126.4 µg/L. An increase in NOM concentration in seawater-intruded water samples resulted in increasing THMs, especially tribromomethane. However, the increment in THMs at higher NOM concentration was lower compared to that at low NOM concentration. Chlorine demand was positively correlated only to tribromomethane. An increase in bromide concentration resulted in lower Cl/Br ratio and a concomitant increase in brominated THMs. The bromine substitution factor corresponding to increasing SWI of 0.25?3% decreased from 2.67 to 1.81 over a reaction time of 24 to 48 h, indicating a shift from TBM dominance to chlorinated THMs.

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