1. Introduction
Urban patterns within cities are complex and can have heterogeneous structures, and because of this, they are very challenging to simulate. Many factors directly or indirectly affect how a city is shaped and how it develops, and therefore, it can be very challenging to mimic or capture these factors correctly. These factors can be, for example, historical, political, economic, geographical, or a mixture [
1]. However, finding a minimum number of parameters that explain the properties of an observed city might help to better tackle this issue and aid researchers in understanding such complex structures. For example, Whitehand et al. [
2] argue that one can comprehend complex phenomena such as urban patterns by creating a picture of them using a minimum number of elements (parameters).
These parameters can be viewed as the intrinsic dimensions of an unknown process that generates a city. Scott and Storper [
3] demonstrate a large spectrum of opinions discussing the previous statement. These opinions range from arguing that the attempts to define the main characteristics of cities is an impossible proposition since cities are too complex and large to be modeled in such methods. For example, Saunders has a view of cities as merely spatial vessels for many socio-economic activities [
4]. In her book, “The Death and Life of Great American Cities”, Jacobs [
1] advocates for planning cities that have buildings with mixed primary uses and various age groups, small blocks, and high density. Jacobs initiated a discussion in the urban planning community by arguing to solve many of the cities’ problems by assisting desirable interactions between agents and highlighting the flaws of a purely top-down approach in planning. These dynamics match the ones of complex adaptive systems, and by definition, the prediction of the outcome of such a system with high certainty is not possible. In other words, to successfully plan cities, the interactions and feedback loops that exist within such a system need to be considered [
5]. Pumain [
6] views several concepts that consider a city as a complex system, which self-organizes and coevolves in a larger system of cities, and theorizes over the factors that affect and shape cities on a global scale, and demonstrates the nonlinearity of the problem and the existence of autocorrelation in large city developments. Pumain [
6] also argues that socio-spatial interactions are complex. Some cities are planned and constructed by several agents’ architectures and developers to follow specific superimposed (artificial) patterns; for example, grids such as New York City [
7], which facilitate vehicle transportation, or Garden Cities [
8], which increase connectivity and create multiple downtown centers while having the benefit of a countryside feel. On the other hand, spontaneous cities (or natural cities) develop during a long period to adapt to the needs and interactions between agents (humans) and the surrounding environment [
9]. Many cities are built with strategic advantages near hills, to leverage commercial connectivity or, as multiple numbers of major cities around the globe, to have a direct connection to harbors, are next to rivers, or as resting points on the post track. At the same time, other cities were designed with decoupled functions such as separated locations for shopping, business, and living. Additionally, to add to the complexity of the problem at hand, definitions of clusters or groups that depend on the semantics of phenomena are usually based on a subjective perception of features and the labels used to categorize them. Clustering, by definition, is simply the grouping of similar objects together in separate classes and Ackerman et al. [
10] discuss a set of axioms that help to identify the quality of a clustering algorithm, whereas others argue that the problem of clustering itself is inherently subjective [
11]. Kleinberg [
11] argues that it is impossible to satisfy all of the following criteria simultaneously—scale-invariance, richness, and consistency—in what is called the impossibility theorem of clustering, which makes identifying city clusters inherently subjective.
Considering the previous opinions and limitations, simulating, generating, or clustering natural-looking city patterns can nevertheless be a useful tool for decision support and urban planning, and the mentioned challenges are fortunately not unique to the field of architecture and urban planning. Many solutions are proven to be very effective in understanding massive amounts of heterogeneous data, such as pattern recognition [
12], data generation [
13], and visualization [
14], and in particular, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) [
15] are very effective in processing topologically structured data such as images. To leverage the use of these networks, many researchers represent their data in continuous field format (raster), where each of the raster’s pixel locations is considered a random variable. Therefore, image data can be viewed as high-dimensional variables. A common technique used in machine learning is to project such high-dimensional data to a low-dimensional manifold with a compact representation. Since the information content does not change when discrete data are represented as a continuous field (vector-to-raster conversion), there must be an efficient encoding of the high-dimensional representation onto a low-dimensional representation. This is in accordance with information theory [
16] since the number of bits contained in the data does not change when changing its representation.
In this paper, we explore this possible manifold for encoding city patterns in raster form with the contribution and research structured in the following way: the State of the Art section gives a theoretical background of the used algorithms and is coupled with the Related Work section that mentions similar work and research that use similar data or encoding methods. A novel dataset is then introduced in the Data Origin and Preparation section. This dataset includes multiple city patterns and is designed to contain a known primary semantic variation. This variation is subjectively observed by choosing cities that have a variety of superimposed patterns. The main methodology of the research examines this assumption by using a sequence of novel tests and metrics to determine if the encoding function is able to encode these clusters at separate locations at the manifold and to explore the quality of such encoding. The approach is introduced in the Methodology section. As a part of examining these tests, the dataset is encoded on low-dimension spaces by applying a number of methods that are suitable for linear subspaces and nonlinear manifold mappings. The original data labels are tracked on the low-dimensional manifold to measure performance metrics and are introduced in the Experiments and Evaluation section. The results are then discussed along with the limitation in the Discussion, Limitation, and Conclusion sections.
2. State of the Art
There is a large number of dimensionality-reduction techniques, and they can be divided according to the objective function into convex and non-convex techniques. Convex techniques are those in which the objective function has no local minima as oppose to non-convex techniques where such minima exist. Full spectral approaches, such as principal component analysis (PCA) [
17] and sparse spectral functions, such as Locally Linear Embeddings (LLE) and Laplacian Eigenmaps [
18], are examples of convex techniques. Examples of non-convex approaches are Sammon Mapping and autoencoders. Van der Maaten et al. [
18] give a complete description and comparative review of these techniques. Dimensionality-reduction techniques are frequently used to understand complex problems that involve high dimensional data, including phenomena that are within an urban context. This section gives a theoretical background of techniques that are utilized within the scope of this research.
Let be the city data matrix with the dimension (n, D), where n is the number of observations and D is the number of the dimensions or the number of random variables assumed to explain an observation. In this case, D represents the number of pixels in an image or the width of the image multiplied by its height. These variables are often correlated due to the fact that many buildings have a repetitive shape and thus appear on images with similar structures and numbers of pixels. The number of pixels in a high-resolution image is usually much higher compared to its equivalent boundary representation, which requires only a few point coordinates at the corners to encode footprint location and shape. Consequently, it is beneficial to find the smallest set of uncorrelated variables that describe the observations while preserving the maximum amount of information contained in X. The count of variables in this set will be referred to as d, the number of dimensions in the subspace. Or in other words, the objective is to find a mapping between to .
2.1. Linear PCA
PCA is a very common technique that helps find a linear mapping between correlated variables in space
D and a minimum set of uncorrelated variables in space
d. The following subsection is based on the derivation explained in [
19], where this reference can be viewed for a complete rigorous proof of this method. Let
, where
d <<
D according to a transformation
U, where:
The objective is to maximize the variance. If the data matrix
X is standardized, i.e., has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one, the variance–covariance matrix can be expressed as the result of the cross product between the data matrix and its transpose, as demonstrated in Formula (2).
In practice, these values can be found by performing single-value decomposition SVD, resulting in the matrices
U, Σ, and
Additionally, since these matrices are orthonormal and diagonal, they represent rotation stretching functions:
By truncating the transformation, or in other words, keeping a small number of principal components
, one can perform dimensionality reduction. Additionally, since the first components contain the largest amount of variance, only a small fraction of these components is included. The ratio of the remaining information can be expressed as follows:
From a geometric point of view, eigenvectors of a transformation matrix represent a set of vectors that preserve the orientation when a transformation is applied. When the variance–covariance matrix is viewed as a transformation, the eigenvectors represent the directions of the maximum variance or the direction where the data are stretched the most according to this specific transformation. This means that finding these vectors and projecting data onto the eigenvector space can highlight the main variance in the data. Visualizing data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) leverages this observation to convert the data or observation to a set of linearly uncorrelated variables, where the main variance of high dimensional data can be explored using only a fraction of the original dimensions.
2.2. Kernel PCA
Full spectral techniques in general, and PCA in particular, are very practical for many scientific problems. However, linear PCA has some limitations when dealing with high dimensional data, and many solutions were developed to counter these problems. For example, the dimensions of the covariance matrix have the same dimensions as the input data
D, and in the case where
D >>
n, the algorithm becomes inefficient [
20]. Dual PCA addresses this with the following substitution to make the analysis invariant to the number of data samples
n. The covariance matrix size is proportional to the data points’ dimension. A second issue with linear PCA is that the analysis considers the similarities between data points without explicitly factoring in the distribution of neighboring points. Even with the success of linear methods, many data manifolds are complex and highly nonlinear. Mapping the data to a high dimensional space before applying PCA can help to make the data more separable with linear hyperplanes in the high dimensional space.
Kernels represent a measure of similarity between data points, and different kernels exist for different problems, with the condition that kernels need to be symmetric and positive semi-definite. Due to the large number of possible kernels to use for each problem, it becomes challenging to decide which kernel to use. A study that demonstrates the effect of using each type of kernel on multiple datasets is shown in the work of Alam and Fukumizu [
21]. For example, the sigmoid kernel is useful to compare similarities between categorical data, and Logistic PCA assumes a Binary or Bernoulli distribution of input data. Therefore, it is suitable for binary data and is used to conduct the analysis presented in this paper.
2.3. Graph-Based
Kernel PCA is not the only way to perform nonlinear mapping of data. Many methods utilize the assumed shape of the hidden manifold. Graph-based methods usually have an objective to minimize the distances between points that are located in close vicinity to each other while maximizing the distance to all others. For example, Isomap [
22] uses similar principles to multidimensional scaling with the main difference of utilizing geodesic distance as a metric instead of Euclidian distance. For finding the geodesic distance, however, it is challenging to compute this distance practically. Therefore, Isomap calculates local Euclidian distances on a neighbor graph that preserves the curvature of the manifold and approximates the geodesic distance.
Isomap theoretically maps the manifold to a low dimensional space with a small number of distortions. However, practically this method suffers from multiple issues. Due to its time complexity, the algorithm is impractical when a large number of points is analyzed. Discontinuities or holes in the manifold, topological instabilities, and erroneous connections might cause the algorithm to fail or produce undesirable results. Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) [
23] addresses these issues by similarly constructing a K-Nearest Neighbor graph. For each local point, LLE only considers the weights of surrounding points. The objective function of LLE uses these weights to reconstruct the local point in the original space with a minimum error. Similarly, the spectral clustering algorithm builds an undirected graph between points based on a metric of similarity and performs clustering based on graph cuts with the minimum cases calculated based on a Laplacian Eigenmap. Due to their success and to the fact that the city pattern manifold is multidimensional and highly nonlinear, LLE is used in this experiment to visualize and explore the data.
2.4. Stochastic Approaches
The Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding method (SNE) proposes a mapping with an objective function that maintains a similar distribution of points in both original and projected spaces. This approach assumes that the probability
of each point
i choosing a certain neighbor
j in both original and projected space
24]. The probability is based on a dissimilarity metric
d and assumes a normal Gaussian distribution of points that are centered around each point at the projected space with the value y as follows:
The distribution in the original spaces can be calculated using the dissimilarity measure “
d” while the distribution in the projected space can be calculated using the objective of reducing Kullback–Leibler divergences
KL between the original
and projected spaces
This method has the advantage of penalizing the cost of nearby points being mapped on locations that are further apart, with a lower cost for more distant points in the original space being mapped to a nearby location in the projected space. This helps to minimize the risk of collapsing the manifold on itself when it has the characteristics of nearby folds. The SNE method is successful in visualizing many datasets. However, the KL-divergence loss is difficult to optimize, and data viewed in this method sometimes suffer from what is called the “crowding problem”. T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (T-SNE), a variation of the SNE algorithm, addresses this problem by utilizing Student’s or T-Distribution to minimize the effect of the issue [
3. Related Work
The techniques described above can be used to aid in urban planning and decision-making in numerous complex problems involving high dimensional data. The following researches demonstrate how dimensionality-reduction techniques can be applied to aid in solving problems that include spatial patterns. For example, Lu et al. [
25] try to understand a driver’s behavior. The daily activity of a driver can include many events such as stops, pickups, and deliveries, which means that an activity profile of a driver is of a high dimensional nature. Lu et al. [
25] include the behavior profile of 243 drivers during 1099 days in Singapore and uses PCA and autoencoders to successfully reduce the dimensionality of the data to a fraction of the original data while keeping most of the original variance [
25]. They show that the use of logistic PCA outperforms PCA in modeling events such as stops and drives. In this study, a variational autoencoder (VAE) is additionally implemented to generate novel driver profiles, demonstrating that data-reduction techniques can capture and manipulate a complex phenomenon in a spatial context such as the activity of a driver within a city. Jiang et al. [
26] utilize data mining techniques and specifically PCA to examine the activities of more than 30,000 individuals living in the Chicago metropolitan area and try to model their daily activities and how these activities vary over time. The advantage of using dimensionality-reduction techniques, in this case, is to identify a small number of variables compared to the original data dimension and, by performing this process automatically, avoid superimposing any biases or predefined social demographic classification on the data. Jiang et al. [
26] cluster the research individuals into seven groups during the weekdays and eight groups during the weekends. These observation groups are selected by taking advantage of the fact that the variance of the coded data is maximized in these directions. Jiang et al. [
26] propose new activity categorization based on the eigenvectors to span the activity space and cluster the projected data using the k-means clustering algorithm [
27]. Shaw and Jebara [
28] analyze a massive amount of spatio-temporal data of 250,000 daily taxi trips in New York City and model traffic flow within the 2000 busiest city blocks as a high-dimensional data vector. Shaw [
28] uses Minimum Volume Embedding (MVE) [
29] to project data on a space with a lower dimension and apply spectral clustering [
30]. This approach can help visualize the similarities between locations and help understand the traffic flow within the city and derive meaningful conclusions from such data. This is due to the fact that similar instances or data points will be located in proximity to each other when data-reduction techniques are applied. Another example is explored by He et al. [
31], who utilize Gaussian Mixture Models and dimensionality-reduction techniques in detecting anomalies in urban temporal networks.
Many researchers have also used data-reduction techniques to map the similarities between city patterns using dimensionality-reduction techniques. The following studies follow a similar approach to the one presented in this research. Therefore, they are described in detail in the following paragraphs to highlight the main differences in our contribution. Moosavi [
32] argues that the availability of large datasets such as the one from OpenStreetMaps opens the possibility of using novel methods in analyzing urban patterns on a global scale. Furthermore, since these methods can be used to examine similarities between urban forms, they take into account many factors such as orientation, structural density, and partial deformations. Moosavi [
32] additionally explores leveraging unsupervised machine learning techniques with the objective of creating a search engine for urban patterns and generating a research dataset by rasterizing road networks that surround city centers that are similar in scale for all samples regardless of the city’s size. He implements a convolutional autoencoder to encode road network data and select the Euclidian distance at the projected space as a metric to measure the similarity between the samples and the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) algorithm [
33] to search and select the closest points in the projected space of over one million images of cities and villages all over the world. Kempinska and Murcio [
34] follow similar footsteps and search for a quantitative method to describe urban patterns using generative deep learning techniques, namely, Variational Autoencoders (VAE) [
35]. They encode 12,479 samples of binary images that represent road networks around the world using the VAE to project the data onto a latent space and use the T-SNE algorithm to reduce the data dimensions to only two, and apply the k-means clustering algorithm [
27] to detect unique clusters. They also project the samples back to the geographical location and identify the extent of similar clusters around the world. However, the approach does not succeed in producing a high-quality interpolation between the road networks and generating novel samples.
Dong et al. [
36] suggest examining and analyzing the similarity between urban fabrics using convolutional neural networks, namely, convolutional autoencoders (CAE). Dong et al. [
36] choose to use images of residential neighborhoods in Nanjing, China, which contain new and old developed areas that are varied according to the urban morphology. They sample their data according to two criteria: administrative boundaries and scale. They argue that a data sample can be generated for each “plot” due to the fact that the administrative boundaries at the “plot” encourage different designs at the plot level. Therefore, they generate images of each of these plots, and since these plots have large discrepancies in the area they cover, the resulting images will thus have different scales. Hence, they subsample the dataset according to a scale-based criterion where the patterns are visible. Then, they use a uniform geographical extent, and they center the images based on the plot’s boundaries. They use the CAE to extract compressed feature vectors (CFV) that are a dense representation of the information that is available in the original data—however, with a lower dimension. In addition, they add statistical information to the CFV, such as the plot size, edge length, ground space index, and floor space index. They use these features in addition to the compressed vectors to measure the Euclidean distance at the encoded space and to cluster and explore the geometry and topology of these urban fabrics using hierarchical clustering to perform the analysis.
Law and Neira [
37] leverage the fact that encoding data using the PCA technique produces latent vectors that are uncorrelated and ordered according to the variance contribution or explained variance. They use convolutional PCA to encode street networks on (Google Street View) images of the city of London and ortho plans of multiple cities streets with a unified geographical extent of 1.5 km × 1.5 km grid and rasterize them into 256 × 256 images from locations around the world with the data origin being from OpenStreetMap. They also demonstrate the use of main principal components that capture the street structures and argue that the embedded data at the latent space can be interpreted. The main components are explored by generating novel data using Convolutional PCA to infer the value of the new images by changing the values of a specific component while fixing all others. They also argue that the use of a convolutional PCA matches the accuracy of an autoencoder while maintaining independent and interpretable components. They integrate these components by using multiple visualizations of the samples located at the extreme and statistically interesting values of the principal components, such as the minimum, maximum, and median. Additionally, they demonstrate two-dimensional plots of the principal components and argue that they capture the density, global structure, and local structure of the road network in an independent way.
We set our research apart from previous related work with the following contributions: we propose and follow a distinct method in generating urban pattern datasets, namely, density-based clustering, and detect building clusters automatically and not based on administrative boundaries. Using this method, a novel dataset for all cities of Germany is generated and derived from the OpenStreetMap dataset, and then multiple data-reduction techniques such as linear, nonlinear, and graph-based projections are explored. This research proposes multiple tests to explore the manifold, which can be implemented as tools to aid researchers or urban planners. Our method is distinct from previous studies in the fact that it follows the nonlinearity of the latent space to select similar samples, and, to the best of our knowledge, this approach has not been implemented on building footprint patterns of urban fabrics. This research further suggests a few processes to query these patterns similar to a search engine and tests these queries on well-known city patterns. Additionally, it demonstrates that interpolating between two data samples on a path that is close to the manifold can create novel data or morph between these samples. In addition, the performance of these techniques is evaluated using a set of numerical metrics that indicates the quality and correctness of the predictions.
4. Data Origin and Preparation
It is common in machine learning to search for a dataset that represents the canonical state concerning the studied variables [
38]. This approach is followed due to the fact that the major variation in the data is, in many cases, caused by hidden variables that are not of interest, as in the face-detection problem, for example. A successful algorithm aims to detect the face or the variation of expressions, and all other variations that are not of interest, such as the difference in lighting and face location, are considered to be problematic. A powerful algorithm would be able to detect the variation of interest nonetheless. However, at the stage of prototyping or research, it might be beneficial to focus on the analysis of variables of interest and aim to reduce data to a canonical form in order to help avoid the detection of secondary hidden variables as the main axes of variation. For example, Zivkovic and Verbeek [
39] try to capture the movement of a person through a series of images and suggests using a translation and rotation invariant PCA approach on binary data by assuming a Bernoulli distribution and adding hidden translation parameters that are used to rotate and translate the images automatically. Zivkovic and Verbeek [
39] explain that when translation and rotation are present in an image, they can be detected as the main dominant deformations when applying data-reduction techniques. To focus back on the problem of city patterns, randomly selected orthoimages of cities usually contain translations and rotation of the objects of interest, such as buildings and road networks. Due to the strong discrepancy of pixel values, such effects will represent a major variation. To avoid this effect and focus our analysis on the semantic differences within city patterns, the data in this research are moved to a canonical form by using data samples that are represented as images with a center that matches that of the captured building cluster.
4.1. Study Locations and Data Source
Data are collected from OpenStreetMap [
40]. Multiple study locations are selected, namely, the complete country of Germany and three locations where the superimposed pattern is prevalent: Paris in France, Barcelona in Spain, and New York City (N.Y.C.) in the United States of America. Building clusters in Paris have clear centers as squares with radial streets that pass through this center. Building clusters in Barcelona follow a block pattern that is almost identical in the complete area of interest (AOI), whereas the N.Y.C. AOI is built as a superimposed grid with identical street dimensions. Data samples and preprocessing code can be found under the following Digital Object Identifier (doi:10.5281/zenodo.5145665), with a collection of some of the statistics about the data presented in
Table 1.
Due to the unified data generation process that is followed in this research, the four classes of patterns in this experiment have similar statistical characteristics. However, the variation of the data depends highly on the scale. For example, if data are captured on a small scale, then many superimposed patterns will not be captured on such a resolution, and the variation will correspond to the general shape of the city. On the other hand, if a large scale is used, then the main variation of the data will be affected greatly by the translation and rotation of individual building footprints. This happens since building footprints occupy a large portion of the image in this case.
Figure 1 shows the count of buildings in each data sample and the maximum width of each cluster belonging to the same range. The complete dataset of Germany has a wider range compared to all other samples because of the large sample count, because the outliers in count and width are very large compared to the rest of the dataset and, if included in the images, will cause the remainders of the samples to not be captured correctly. Therefore, outliers are not displayed, and it is noticeable that for this dataset, most of the data samples contain less than 400 building footprints, and the data sample’s geographical span is less than 800 m, while most building footprints’ bounding box width is less than 24 m. With these statistics in mind, the image resolution of 64 pixels is chosen to enable the rasterization algorithm to capture individual building footprints when the distance between them is more than 16 m, which corresponds to a distance less than the width of one building for most building footprints in our dataset. The resolution, however, is adaptive, and changes from sample to sample according to the sample’s extent. The data are divided into training, validation, and testing in 70, 20, and 10% ratios, respectively, which is a standard machine learning approach. The results are presented using the testing dataset throughout the experiment.
4.2. Image Sampling Method
It is natural to think about cities, in a city pattern clustering problem, as individual instances of multiple classes. However, there are a few challenges that are related to this approach. The number of cities around the world is comparably small to the number of images that are required to train models that perform classification tasks when applying many state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.
Moreover, building patterns within a city’s boundary do not necessarily follow a specific superimposed pattern in all the cities, and many cities have multiple superimposed patterns due to, among others, historic or political reasons. Additionally, a city centroid is not necessarily surrounded by building footprints; many cities are distributed as a crescent, for example, around a geographical or natural feature such as mountains or rough terrains. To counter the mentioned problems, a density-based clustering algorithm is used to detect building clusters in our dataset, namely, Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) [
The algorithm yields a large number of clusters on a variety of geographical scales, as shown in
Figure 2. The DBSCAN algorithm detects clusters of buildings regardless of administrative boundaries and, if the cluster is continuous over a large geographical extent, then this is considered to be a unique variation in the data sample and should be preserved in the image.
4.3. Preparing Data Images
City pattern data are converted to images. First, polygons representing building footprint features are converted to binary masks, where pixel values that correspond to geographical locations where buildings exits are given the value of “one”, and all other pixel values are given the value “zero”. Formulas (9)–(15) are used to calculate the corresponding coordinates on the local binary masks in the following way:
The ratio of the images is consistent regardless of the shape of the cluster, as a square is calculated around the centroid of the cluster. The coordinates
, and
are computed as the maximum extent with respect to
x and
y, and half of the extent is added or subtracted from the coordinates of the centroid accordingly. Building footprints are projected to the image space using a translation matrix
, for which the scaling parameters
are calculated using the geographical extent, and the image pixel count
for the axes’ direction of
x and
y separately.
Figure 3 displays some examples of this process on the used dataset for the used building pattern classes.
Each of the locational pixels is a variable in the dimensionality reduction analysis, and it is a common step to subtract the mean before performing the analysis.
Figure 4 shows the average of each group. The values that are the highest are located at the sample center, with lower values at the edges. This is expected since the samples were created using the DBSCAN algorithm with the condition that each of the samples needs to be centered around a building footprint, and for each of these centers, a minimum of the number of other building instances within a threshold distance must exist. Due to the small number of samples in the first three groups, a deviation from a centered average can be noticed. We argue that this is caused by the particular data selection for each specific pattern and the small sample count in each of these groups. The German dataset, on the other hand, shows that this method of data production produces a high average and non-zero-pixel count at the center with a decreasing value toward the edges.
5. Methodology
The datasets are encoded into latent manifold Y using mapping U following Formula (13). U is represented as linear (PCA), nonlinear mappings Kernel PCA, T-SNE, or an autoencoder neural network. Several quantitative and qualitative tests are conducted to evaluate the quality and correctness of the resulting clusters. In addition to the amount of information that is extracted using reconstruction techniques such as PCA and autoencoders, the quality of the resulting manifold is examined using the following tests. See
Figure 5.
A visual indicator of the projection method quality is examined by visualizing the projection weights of the PCA and autoencoders. These weights are reshaped into a two-dimensional array and examined for any superimposed patterns that match that of some of the data samples. The amount of information encoded using PCA is examined by plotting the variation captured on each of the principal components in a Cattell–Nelson–Gorsuch scree test (or CNG scree test) [
42]. At the same time, the information captured by the autoencoder is examined by performing a reconstruction of the samples and observing the main characteristics of the reconstructed sample compared to the original one.
To visually examine the quality of the projection, it is expected that similar samples are located near each other in the latent manifold, with input data X and a projection method U that projects data to a low dimensional manifold as Y = U(X). The algorithm assumes that the point y that represents the pattern the most is located at the geometric centroid of the pattern at the latent space. It is unlikely that any points will be located exactly at the coordinates of point C. Therefore, point y is computed by selecting a point with the minimum Euclidian distance from the pattern centroid’s coordinate. Point y is identified and paired with a registry/spatial database entry that contains the geographical extent of building clusters as follows:
Compute pattern centroid C for a subset ;
From , compute the nearest point y to C;
From Y, compute the nearest point to y;
From X, get the matching sample and the cluster’s geographical extent.
This test can be extended to find the n most similar patterns to a given pattern I in order of similarity. For example, when one would like to inquire about other cities or parts of cities around the world that have similar designs or structures to a given example. The algorithm continues by building a K-Nearest-Neighbor Search tree for efficiency and then querying this tree for points that are closest according to the Euclidean distance as a metric of closeness. Test 2 is defined as:
Build a K-D tree to perform KNN search;
Calculate pattern centroid for the subset ;
Set point : query for KNN search for neighbors .
Furthermore, the quality of the manifold is examined by traversing points between two city patterns
. However, tracing a direct vector connecting two points on the manifold can yield points/samples that are not located on the manifold [
22]. This is especially true if the manifold is strongly curved or nonlinear, and this is a characteristic that is assumed here for city patterns manifolds. To have a smooth transition between patterns, the algorithm must be able to sample or select points in a transition that follows this curvature. The algorithm is inspired by the logic used by Isomap [
22] and utilizes the approximation of the geodesic distance as our metric and builds the shortest path between the centroids of the patterns that one wants to traverse. The algorithm starts by building a K-Nearest Neighbors points graph between the mapped points in the encoded data. Then, it calculates the shortest distance path between these points using Dijkstra’s algorithm [
43]. The number of points on this path depends on the distance between the centroids and the density of the mapped points, and the density of projected sample points at these locations. Test 3 is defined as:
- ◦
Build a K-Nearest-Neighbour graph ;
- ◦
Calculate pattern centroid for the subset ;
- ◦
Calculate pattern centroid for the subset ;
- ◦
Calculate the shortest path from To ;
- ◦
For index in :;
- ◦
A further test is added to examine the manifold further outside of the locations where data samples are encoded. In many cases, the number of samples in the dataset is not sufficient to cover the manifold without any interruptions or holes. The sampling methods when collecting the data could have some biases or simply do not cover all possible cases. To counter this issue, for some projection functions, it is possible to create a novel data sample using , an inverse of the transformation . When the parameters of projection are calculated in a way that can capture the main characteristics of the sample if the projection has a mathematical inverse. Two points and from the original dataset are selected with the corresponding projection and , respectively. Additionally, according to the number of desired subsamples , calculate the value of step s . According to this value, calculate the value of the novel sample . Test 4 is defined as:
Project according to ;
Project according to ;
Compute direction vector as ;
Compute step as s ;
Compute intermediate points at the projected space for each step;
Project intermediate points back to space as:
Data sampling in the experiment assumes several unique classes based on subjective observations of superimposed patterns of some cities of interest. This assumption is evaluated by automatically dividing the projected data Y to a set of clusters with the help of K-means clustering [
27] using the number of suggested clusters as a hyper-parameter (for example: {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}). The resulting cluster quality is evaluated using the Fowlkes–Mallows [
44], average Silhouette Coefficient [
45], Adjusted Rand Index [
46], and Adjusted Mutual Info [
47] depending on this hyper-parameter. The Silhouette Coefficient measure will correspond to a high value if the cluster count is correct, meaning there is a high similarity between an element and its cluster (cohesion) and dissimilarity between an element and other clusters (separation). In other words, the clustering results when the hyperparameter “number of clusters” of the K-means clustering algorithm corresponds to the correct value, in which case the Silhouette Coefficient will probably yield a higher silhouette score compared to the resulting clusters with a far-off value.
Fowlkes–Mallows Index, Adjusted Rand Index, and Adjusted Mutual Info determine the similarity between two sets of clusters, where one of them is being considered as ground truth. Both Adjusted Mutual Info and Adjusted Rand index takes into account the fact that some samples will be assigned the correct class by random chance and normalize the score accordingly. Therefore, the values of these metrics will normally be lower than the Rand Index or Mutual Info Score. These tests yield numeric values that can be used to objectively compare the performance of different encoding algorithms. Higher scores are interpreted as good performance of these algorithms.
Using K-means clustering on Y will only identify unique clusters that might not match the labels of the ground truth. To perform this matching, the centroid of each of the resulting clusters is computed, then matched with the closest ground truth cluster centroids. All members of this cluster are given the corresponding label. The true positives, false positives, and false negatives are computed based on this matching. Samples that are correctly identified are considered true positives, samples that are falsely labeled as a member of the sample are considered false positives, and samples that are not matched to a different cluster are considered false negatives.
7. Discussion, Limitations, and Conclusions
7.1. Conclusions
In this paper, a few algorithms are presented to explore city patterns with the help of machine learning techniques. To test these algorithms, a specialized dataset that has a variety of city patterns was created. In addition, the complete dataset of OSM of Germany’s over 30,823,846 million building footprints was processed. The paper also demonstrates that using encoding techniques is an effective way of exploring these patterns and presented several example algorithms or tests that can be used in exploring and understanding urban patterns.
Initially, the visual comparison was performed on a trained linear PCA of six components and an equivalent autoencoder of six neurons. The visual demonstration showed that the first six components of PCA captured a large amount of variation and information about the city patterns (see
Figure 6). Additionally, superimposed patterns were observed on the visualized weights, including values that corresponded to central or repetitive linear patterns activation in a variety of directions (see
Figure 7). This is an indicator that these weights will produce significantly different values for samples that belong to distinct clusters that themselves have certain superimposed patterns. Similar behavior is observed when using Autoeoncder_6 to force data to be encoded and reconstructed using only six neurons (see
Figure 9). The weights of Autoencoder_6 reflected noisy images without any detectable superimposed patterns. However, the model was able to reconstruct images that arguably contain the main superimposed visual characteristics of the original images, such as density and orientation. Not surprisingly, increasing the number of neurons at the bottleneck of the autoencoder to 200 produced highly detailed images. We argue that the reason for visually detectable patterns on the weights of a trained PCA is due to the fact that PCA enforces uncorrelated components by design. This means that the variance encoded on one of the component axes should not correlate with the following axis, causing the model to learn to correspond to the main visual characteristics of the image dataset independently.
The experiment focuses on the model Autoencoder_200’s ability to perform test sequences 1–4 introduced in the Methodology section. Test 1 returns city patterns that are most similar to a certain cluster centroid. The result of the test is not decisive due to the fact that the similarity between the images is not prominent (see
Figure 10). However, the similarity between the samples was noticeable when performing Test 2 that returns an n number of similar samples (see
Figure 11). Likewise, traversing between two clusters in Test 3 is expected to yield images that have a visual appearance that transitions between the cluster centroids. However, this transition was not easily detectable (see
Figure 12). This is due to the fact that the amount of samples used in the experiment does not cover the complete manifold. Test 4 proves the previous assumption in addition to demonstrating the generalization capabilities of the autoencoder. “Out of sample” images were generated by interpolating between two points on the manifold. The resulting successful interpolation images form a smooth transition between the data samples concerning the direction and density of the sample and are an indicator of a high-quality manifold (see
Figure 13).
The previous tests are subjective due to the fact that they depend on a human annotator to determine the quality of the results. However, they are a strong indicator of the successful encoding of the main visual characteristics of the city patterns. To support this conclusion from these tests further, a number of metrics are computed by clustering the data at each of the encoded manifolds, and results are presented in
Figure 14 and
Table 3. The metrics can be considered to be representative of two categories: the quality of clusters measured by the Silhouette Coefficient, and the correctness of the labeling measured by the Adjusted Rand Score, Adjusted Mutual Info, homogeneity, completeness, and the Fowlkes–Mallows Index. Isomap had the best performance regarding the quality of the separated clusters, while PCA with a Sigmoid kernel performed the best in matching the clusters to the ground-truth labels. The high scores on these metrics for Autoencoder_200 match the observations that were collected in the previous tests and confirm that a simple encoder with a low number of neurons can perform very well on a complicated task such as the unsupervised clustering of city patterns.
7.2. Limitation and Future Work
Many decisions and thresholds hat to be taken and selected to execute this experiment, including the images’ spatial resolution, size, and the way samples were selected. For example, the DBSCAN algorithm is used to select the data sample centers. Choosing a different clustering algorithm can produce a dataset that has dissimilar statistical characteristics to the one used in the experiment. Additionally, multiple thresholds are used in the data-encoding algorithms, such as the number of components and the number of neighbors allowed in the graph (see Test 3: Methodology). Similarly, changing the threshold of the K-mean clustering will yield a different set of clusters for each method. Changing these thresholds might impact the path traversed by the algorithm.
The main hypothesis of this research is that similar patterns are located in the near vicinity of each other in the projection space. However, this assumption has two main caveats. First of all, one has to choose the metric of distance in the projected space. The Euclidian distance is chosen to test the algorithms. However, a different measure of proximity or distance might have a better correlation to the similarity between patterns in that space. The second caveat is that the dataset clusters used in this research were selected based on a subjective observation that New York, Paris, and Barcelona have visually different city patterns. The encoding algorithms used in this research were able to differentiate between these patterns and confirmed this assumption. Future work can include an independent assessment of these similarities, evaluate the results objectively, and give more rigorous proof. In addition, a benchmark database of different city patterns can be created and annotated by professional city developers and researchers in order to have an objective ground truth of the cluster labels.
From a statistical point of view, it is assumed in this research that the observed images are capturing an equilibrium of the same statistical process that governs the development of cities (ergodicity and stationarity). This assumption allows the sampling of different data samples in multiple locations. Without this assumption, one needs to observe a repeated development of each city a large number of times, and unfortunately, such a dataset is not realistic, and therefore each image is considered as an independent observation. These aspects could be further investigated by projecting cities that are created using a variety of processes onto the subspace and examining the results.
From a practical point of view, Test 3 has a high time complexity due to the fact of building a nearest neighbor graph between all projected points. Future research could investigate alternatives to build this graph and navigate the shortest path between points with low time complexity. Additionally, only a fully connected neural network is considered in the tests. However, Convolutional Neural Networks are suitable for topologically structured data. Convolutional autoencoders might have the advantage of detecting additional features on multiple scales. Further research needs to be conducted to test if this observation is also true for city pattern data.
Projecting city patterns onto a lower-dimensional space can help better understand cities, and tools that are implemented to explore this pattern can be a powerful aid to support urban designers and city planners. This fits the direction of current research where more and more technologies are used in cities with the goal of improving the lives of people around the world in future cities [