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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 6 (2021)  /  Artículo

Improvement of Torque Performance and Energy Density of PM-Type Vernier Motor Utilizing Saddle Coil and Salient Pole

Sungwoo Chang    
Noboru Niguchi    
Je-Hoon Lee and Katsuhiro Hirata    


In electric motors, the use of rare-earth magnets has been increasing rapidly. A stronger magnet force of the magnet enables the motor?s higher performance, resulting in the most high-performance motors generally using rare-earth magnets. However, these magnets have two crucial disadvantages: the potential restrictions on the supply of rare-earth magnetic materials and the sharp fluctuation in price. Thus, many recent researches focus on developing high-performance electric motors and reducing the use of critical rare-earth magnets. By increasing the torque density of the motor, we can reduce the use of permanent magnets. Focusing on this point, and we presented a double half permanent magnet (DHPM)-type vernier motor. This paper proposed a new saddle coil permanent magnet vernier motor with improved performance compared to its predecessor. The main feature of the proposed motor is that the permanent magnet and coil in the stator of a DHPM-type vernier motor is replaced by salient poles and saddle coils, respectively. We also investigate its characteristics through various simulations.

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