While industries are familiar with environmental management systems for continuous improvement of production processes and products, there are various green-concept-oriented methods that can address environmental concerns significantly. This work focused on adaptation of cleaner production strategy for enhancing environmental management systems. Specifically, this work developed self-implementable methodology that systematically leads to identification of cleaner production options to improve environmental performance and efficiency of manufacturing industry. The developed methodology aims at preventing or reducing carbon emission from production processes and activities. The proposed methodology comprises three steps. In step 1, the sources of carbon emission from the manufacturing industry are identified through materials and energy consumption and waste generation. In step 2, the fate of the sources of carbon emission is determined. The sources are to be prevented or reduced. In step 3, cleaner production options are generated. Cleaner production options include modification of key operating parameters in manufacturing processes, such as temperature, pressure and time; implementation of housekeeping practices; modification of production process; substitution of greener materials; adaptation of new technologies; training to workers and 3R (reuse, recover, recycle). The options are generated with investigative questions. A food manufacturing industry was selected as a case study to demonstrate the practicality of using the developed methodology to generate cleaner production options. A total of 15 specific cleaner production options were identified for the studied premise using the methodology proposed demonstrating the practicality of the developed methodology.