This article is the starting point in a series of works on the formation of low-budget functional tools for reverse engineering and building BIM models of existing engineering facilities based on methods of three-dimensional laser scanning from inside premises with a high degree of occupancy of equipment and engineering communications. The review of approaches to the reverse construction of information models of buildings using the survey of geometric parameters of the object with three-dimensional lidars based on digital processing of point clouds is carried out. A technical concept of a low-budget lidar measuring complex based on two-dimensional factory-ready lidars has been developed. Tasks have been set for the development of the components of the complex and its integration. The general architecture and the program of the R&D series are described. The physical and software architecture has been developed. The result of the first stage of the series - design, manufacture, and testing of a prototype of a three-dimensional laser scanning based on a two-dimensional lidar is described. The obtained point cloud was processed, and errors in its formation using the first version of the software were revealed. The identified problems, and their causes were discussed and the research and development program was adjusted.