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GSM signal propagation estimation on a track with difficult terrain and coniferous forest

D. Vegera    
G. Zhiba    
V. Pisarenko    


There are a huge number of different technological solutions that allow the reception and transmission of various kinds of information through the free propagation of radio waves in the environment. Despite the development of telecommunications, there are still hard-to-reach areas that do not allow for high-quality reception and transmission of voice and data. Radio waves propagating in the forest have high path loss compared to other media. When building new base stations, it is necessary to take into account the signal attenuation due to forests.Therefore, based on the example of an existing communication object, methods for calculating the attenuation and propagation range of a radio signal for GSM technology, taking into account forest areas, are considered and compared with actual indicators. A brief description of the GSM technology, the developed program, the methods used and the results of the attenuation and propagation range of the radio signal are given. The proposed methods, models and technical solutions make it possible to take into account the propagation of radio waves even at the design stage of radio systems and communication devices for the practical implementation of a modern infrastructure for voice and data transmission on suburban routes difficult in relief. To solve the set tasks, methods of mathematical modeling, computational mathematics, system analysis, programming methods and field experimental research are used. 

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