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Inicio  /  Andean Geology  /  Vol: 36 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2009)  /  Artículo

Tsunamigenic, earthquake-triggered rock slope failures during the April 21, 2007 Aisén earthquake, southern Chile (45.5°S).

Sergio A. Sepulveda    
Alejandra Serey    


The April 21, 2007 shallow crustal earthquake (Mw 6.2) in the Aisén Fjord area triggered hundreds of landslides around the epicentral zone. Among those, several rock slope failures such as rock slides, rock falls and rock avalanches were induced on the steep fjord slopes. The violent impact of the disrupted rock masses into the fjord generated local tsunamis that caused ten fatalities and extensive damage to salmón farms located along the fjord shores. Field observations suggested that geotechnical and geomorphological factors controlled the landslide locations and failure modes, associated with the presence of faults and topographic relief, respectively. This event is an example of a geological hazard that has not been previously addressed in the Chilean Patagonian fjordland, revealing the need for identifying and understanding these geological phenomena in future hazard assessments in the región.