Annisa Nauli Sinaga, Eric Eric, Rudy Rudy, Valencia Wiltan
Pág. 311 - 318
Large companies (Size) have more stable sales and established assets so that the ability to get greater profits. This is one of the attractions for investors thereby increasing stock returns. This study aims to analyze and test whether Current Ratio (CR)...
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Suramaya Suci Kewal 10.21831/economia.v15i1.23226
Pág. 60 - 68
AbstractThis study examines the existence of adjustments in the speed of the company's capital structure to achieve an optimal capital structure in accordance with the dynamics of trade-off and other factors affecting the company's capital structure adju...
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Lusiana Veronika Sinaga, Antonia Masriani Nababan, Annisa Nauli Sinaga, Thomas Firdaus Hutahean, Siti Tiffany Guci
Pág. 345 - 355
The company was builded to maximixing the wealth of their owner or their stokeholders. The company?s goal can be achieved by maximizing the firm value.The purpose of this research is to find out the impact of some variables such as Growth of Sales,...
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Andian Ari Istiningrum 10.21831/economia.v12i1.8808
Pág. 67 - 82
Abstract: Company Characteristics as Antecedent of Mandatory Disclosure of Acounting Information. The objective of this research was to get knowledge about the influence of company characteristics including company size, company age, profitability, lever...
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Evy Sumartha 10.21831/economia.v12i2.11114
Pág. 167 - 182
Abstract: The Effect of Ownership Structure on Dividend Policy in The Manufacturing Companies. Ownership structure; as independent variables in this research; is represented by institutional ownership and managerial ownership. This research also aim...
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