This paper attempts to examine and analyse accident causation and risk factors for pedestrian injuries at signalized locations in Warsaw. In large Polish cities like Warsaw, pedestrians constitute almost 60% of road fatalities. Although traffic safety situation in general is improving, the numbers of pedestrians hit when crossing a road have not significantly decreased in the last five years. Accidents at signalized intersections and crossings in Warsaw constitute around 33% of all crashes involving pedestrians. During the last five years the number of accidents occurring at signalized pedestrian crossings has not been decreasing. Based on analysis of 735 police records of pedestrian accidents in Warsaw for years 2010-2014, it can be concluded that in terms of numbers the biggest problem occurs on dual carriageway roads and at zebra crossings on intersection exit roadways. The highest risk of a fatal accident outcome occurs at midblock signalized crossings and when pedestrians cross tram tracks. Pedestrians over 65 years of age have the highest risk of being killed. Disobeying the red signal is a serious problem ? many accidents were caused by either a pedestrian (25%) or driver (8%) ignoring the red light. The findings suggest that accident rates could be minimized by appropriate road and traffic signal design: speed reduction measures and enforcement as well as making traffic signals more pedestrian-friendly, especially for elderly pedestrians.