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Pablo Martínez Capdevila     Pág. 147 - 150
AbstractAndrea Branzi was among the first architects to incorporate the philosophical postmodernity -as it was formulated by Jean-François Lyotard and, soon after, by Gianni Vattimo- into his discourse. In the early 80?s the Italian philosopher puts forw... ver más

Seyed Reza Hosseini Raviz, Ali Nik Eteghad, Ezequiel Uson Guardiola, Antonio Armesto Aira     Pág. 65 - 76
According to inhabitants? dimensions and various aspects of human life, flexible spaces are used as a solution in social housing due to the lack of space that architects always confront. In fact, flexible housing responds to inhabitants? needs throughout... ver más

Lisa M. Tucker     Pág. 52 - 63
The history of the kitchen has received much attention from designers and design historians. Since the writings of Catharine Beecher, designers, household engineers, and others have written about the importance of the kitchen as the center of the home. T... ver más

Juan Ramón Selva Royo    
La Adaptación del Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Valencia y su Comarca a la Solución Sur, aprobada el 30 de junio de 1966, es sin duda uno de los proyectos más polémicos y trascendentales del urbanismo metropolitano valenciano. Un plan denostado ?a... ver más

Magnus Rönn     Pág. 4 - 14
This article presents results from a study of prequalification in architectural competitions. The aim is to develop knowledge of how the organizer appoints candidates to invited competitions. Prequalification is a selection procedure used early in the co... ver más