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Inicio  /  Energies  /  Vol: 9 Núm: 7 Par: July (2016)  /  Artículo

Energy Management in Prosumer Communities: A Coordinated Approach

Rodrigo Verschae    
Takekazu Kato and Takashi Matsuyama    


The introduction of uncontrollable renewable energy is having a positive impact on our health, the climate, and the economy, but it is also pushing the limits of the power system. The main reason for this is that, in any power system, the generation and consumption must match each other at all times. Thus, if we want to further introduce uncontrollable generation, we need a large ability to manage the demand. However, the ability to control the power consumption of existing demand management approaches is limited, and most of these approaches cannot contribute to the introduction of reneweables, because they do not consider distributed uncontrolled consumption and generation in the control. Furthermore, these methods do not allow users to exchange or jointly manage their power generation and consumption. In this context, we propose an augmented energy management model for prosumers (i.e., producer and consumer). This model considers controlled and uncontrolled generation and consumption, as well as the prosumer?s ability (i) to plan the intended power consumption; and (ii) to manage real-time deviations from the intended consumption. We apply this model to the energy management of prosumer communities, by allowing the prosumers to coordinate their power consumption plan, to manage the deviations from the intended consumption, and to help each other by compensating deviations. The proposed approach seeks to enhance the power system, and to enable a prosumer society that takes account social and environmental issues, as well as each prosumer?s quality of life.

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