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Inicio  /  Atmósfera  /  Vol: 19 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2006)  /  Artículo

Barnes objective analysis scheme of daily rainfall over Maharashtra (India) on a mesoscale grid

S. K. SINHA    
A. K. MITRA    


An objective analysis of daily rainfall over Maharashtra (India) by distance weighting function on a mesoscale grid is described. The Barnes scheme is applied to interpolate irregularly distributed daily rainfall data on to a regular grid. The spatial resolution of the interpolated arrays is 0.25 degrees of latitude by 0.25 degrees of longitude. Some objectively determined constraints are employed in this study: (i) weights are determined as a function of data spacing, (ii) in order to achieve convergence of the analyzed values, two passes through the data are considered, (iii) grid spacing is objectively determined from the data spacing. The case of a typical westward moving monsoon depression during the 1994 monsoon season is chosen for this study. Objective analyses of six days (16 to 21 August 1994) have been carried out using variable length scale two pass (V2P) and fixed length scale two pass (F2P) Barnes scheme. A length scale of 80 km for the outer pass and 40 km for the inner pass are considered. Analyses show moderate improvement of V2P scheme over F2P scheme. The bias of the analysis based on V2P is 2% lower than that of analysis based on F2P.  

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