The pavement structure tends to shrink under low temperature conditions and cracks will appear upon crossing threshold binder stiffness. Decreasing the binder viscosity at such low temperatures, by introducing additional oil fraction (aromatics and saturates) in asphalt colloidal systems, may result in improved resistance to thermal cracking. A single multi-grade engine oil (5W30) was used in this study to analyze the rheological properties imparted to binders. Rotational Viscosity (RV) test revealed that after Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) aging, fresh oil and waste oil have a similar effect on decreasing the viscosity of binder and construction temperatures, reducing them by 5~8 °C. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) test results showed an abrupt increase of carbonyl concertation when fresh engine oil was used for rejuvenation while waste engine oil was less susceptible to oxidative aging. Dynamic analysis of modified binders proved that engine oil has better thermal cracking resistance but relaxation ability of binders and rutting resistance was impaired. Filtered waste engine oil resulted in a 35% decrement in the stiffness of binder compared to virgin asphalt after short term aging but upper Performance Grade (PG) was compromised by 1~3 °C with 2.5% oil inclusion. Unfiltered waste engine oil proved to have the least overall performance compared to fresh and filtered waste engine oil.