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Network Fundamental Diagram (NFD) and traffic signal control: first empirical evidences from the city of Santander

Borja Alonso    
Ángel Ibeas Pòrtilla    
Giuseppe Musolino    
Corrado Rindone    
Antonino Vitetta    


According to recent literature, the aggregate traffic conditions of an urban road network may be measured by an asymmetric inverse-U shaped diagram, called Network or Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (NFD or MFD). The research on NFD was finalizes for applications connected to congestion control by means of gating, pricing schemes, multi-modal network analysis, freight vehicle routing. The control of urban road networks by means of NFD is a promising research area, where new methods and models are proposed to reduce traffic congestion and delay. The general objective of the research is to investigate if and in which measure the NFD profile (estimated by means of observed traffic data) changes according to the control strategy adopted for junction signals in an urban area. The first empirical evidences presented in this paper are related to a portion of Santander urban area, where a specific zone has been identified according to traffic characteristics and land uses. Data from traffic loops are collected and correlated with the signal control plans during a working day at link (flow-density diagrams) and network levels (NFD). Some preliminary considerations are derived from the empirical results. The cycle length with a fixed regulation plan does not influence the main traffic variables (flow, density) at link and network level, but these results cannot be generalized.