Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Pengembangan MP3EI dilakukan dengan pendekatan terobosan (breakthrough) not Business As Usual, melalui: pertama, pihak swasta akan diberikan peran penting dalam pengembangan MP3EI, sedangkan pihak pemerintah akan berfungsi sebagai regulator, fasilitator dan katalisator. Dari sisi regulasi, Pemerintah akan melakukan deregulasi (debottlenecking) terhadap regulasi yang menghambat pelaksanaan investasi di 8 (delapan) program utama. Fasilitasi dan katalisasi akan diberikan oleh Pemerintah melalui penyediaan infrastruktur maupun pemberian insentif fiskal dan non fiskal. Kedua, dalam rangka penguatan kebijakan, pemerintah akan melakukan penguatan koordinasi, sinkronisasi dan sinergi kebijakan antar Kementerian/Lembaga dan antara Kementerian/Lembaga dengan pemerintah daerah. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ MP3EI development done with a breakthrough approach (breakthrough) not Business As Usual, through: first, the private sector will be given a key role in the development of MP3EI, while the government will act as regulator, facilitator and catalyst. In terms of regulation, the government will deregulate (debottlenecking) against regulations that impede the implementation of investments in 8 (eight) main program. Facilitation and catalysis will be provided by the Government through the provision of infrastructure and provision of fiscal and non-fiscal incentives. Second, in order to strengthen the policy, the government will strengthen the coordination, synchronization and synergy between the policies of the Ministry / Agency and the Ministry / Agency with local governments