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Inicio  /  Energies  /  Vol: 12 Núm: 2 Par: January (2019)  /  Artículo

Integrated Control Strategy for Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Primary-Side LCC Network for Load-Average Efficiency Improvement

Sangjoon Ann    
Woo-Young Lee    
Gyu-Yeong Choe and Byoung Kuk Lee    


An inductive power transfer (IPT) system has lower peak efficiency and significantly lower load-average efficiency over the entire range of output power than typical power conversion systems because it transmits power wirelessly through magnetically coupled coils. In order to improve the load-average efficiency of the IPT system, this paper proposes an integrated control strategy consisting of full-bridge, phase-shift, and half-bridge control modes. The coupling coefficient and output power conditions for each control mode are theoretically analyzed, and the proposed control algorithm is established. In order to verify the analysis results, a 3.3 kW IPT system prototype is constructed, and it is experimentally verified that the load-average efficiency is improved by up to 3.75% with respect to the output power when using the proposed control scheme. In addition, the proposed control has the additional advantage that it can be directly applied to the existing IPT system without changing or adding hardware.

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