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Bus Stop and Bus Terminal Capacity

Azhar Al-Mudhaffar    
Albania Nissan    
Karl-Lennart Bang    


Stockholm is growing fast leading to an increased demand for public transport services and facilities. This has subsequently led to challenges to provide suitable bus terminals. The Municipalities are keen to provide good public transport but have difficulties providing the needed space. There is also a lack of knowledge in this problem area. A comprehensive study is therefore undertaken including literature review, field studies and modeling of the capacity of different types of bus stops and bus terminals. In order to understand and evaluate the capacity of the bus terminals, the starting point is the capacity of loading areas for which there is presently no approved Swedish methodology. A model of capacity based on bus dwell time described by HCM2000 has therefore been used. This model does not consider the bus arrival distribution; therefore it has been applied with a correction factor to better reflect conditions in large cities. Results from performed trials show that this correction factor is reduced at higher dwell time. The calculation of loading areas capacity is the basis for the calculation of bus stop capacity in bus terminals. However, terminal factors such as scheduling and design of the terminals must be taken into account. The procedure for estimating the maximum number of bus departures is also handled in the study. In the long term deeper analysis will be required, e.g. the need for safety zone behind the reversing buses and the demand for dedicated places for layover parking. Socio-economic analyzes of congestion and longer detours because of the increasingly smaller bus terminals should also be raised in these discussions.

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