Walter Rossing,Annemarie Groot Kormelinck,Florencia Alliaume,Santiago Dogliotti,Jessica Duncan,Carlos Huenchuleo,Laurens Klerkx,Jacques Trienekens,Daniel Gaitán-Cremaschi
Pág. 295 - 311
To operate within the safe and just operating space captured by the doughnut metaphor, sustainability transitions are needed in the food system. Niche food systems with highly distinct practices and organization constitute a treasure chest of alternative...
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Csaba Mátyás, Imre Berki, András Bidló, György Csóka, Kornél Czimber, Erno Führer, Borbála Gálos, Zoltán Gribovszki, Gábor Illés, Anikó Hirka and Zoltán Somogyi
Climate change particularly threatens the xeric limits of temperate-continental forests. In Hungary, annual temperatures have increased by 1.2 °C–1.8 °C in the last 30 years and the frequency of extreme droughts has grown. With the aim to g...
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Carlo Nicoletto, Carmelo Maucieri, Alex Mathis, Zala Schmautz, Tamas Komives, Paolo Sambo and Ranka Junge
Aquaponics is a recirculating technology that combines aquaculture with hydroponics. It allows nutrients from fish waste to feed plants and thus saves water and nutrients. However, there is a mismatch between the nutrients provided by the fish waste and ...
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Esteve Corbera and Heike Schroeder
This article introduces the special issue ?REDD+ crossroads post Paris: politics, lessons and interplays?. The contributions to the special issue demonstrate, first, that REDD+ design in the studied countries has generally lacked social legitimacy and si...
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Ester Foppa Pedretti, Daniele Duca, Giuseppe Toscano, Chiara Mengarelli, Giorgio Rossini, Andrea Pizzi, Manuela Mancini, Debora Tesei and Alessio Ilari
Background: The production of seeds for horticultural crops has seen a steady growth since 2006. Onion is one of the most widespread crops that followed this trend until 2013, undergoing a slight decline in 2016. Even though these crops are characterized...
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