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A Typology of Voters: Creating Voters Profiles via Clustering

Evangelia NM     


With the present study we examine how and in which level some factors influence the creation of vot-ers? profiles during the formation of political preferences People act in an environment with social, personal as well as professional networks where they interact, they develop activities, they undertake roles and they react. The influence that the network can exert on its members is also combined with external factors as networks are not only interactive but also interrelated or interconnected. In networks there are persons who influence more the others and others who are most influenced while forming their political preference. We examine some factors that influence political preferences in networks creating voter?s profiles. The data collection took place in Greece. 1.103 persons participated. For the data analysis we used the ACP and Cluster Classification. From the results we see that 35% consider the personal interest as the crucial factor while forming political preferences. 33% evaluate more the position of the political parties on social, financial and national issues, 11% form political preferences assessing the positions of the political parties as well as the personal interest and finally 7.5% is influenced by the environment that means by personal, professional and social networks while forming political preferences.

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