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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 6 Par: 0 (2016)  /  Artículo

Hedging Rules for Water Supply Reservoir Based on the Model of Simulation and Optimization

Yi Ji    
Xiaohui Lei    
Siyu Cai    
Xu Wang    


This study proposes a hedging rule model which is composed of a two-period reservior operation model considering the damage depth and hedging rule parameter optimization model. The former solves hedging rules based on a given poriod?s water supply weighting factor and carryover storage target, while the latter optimization model is used to optimize the weighting factor and carryover storage target based on the hedging rules. The coupling model gives the optimal poriod?s water supply weighting factor and carryover storage target to guide release. The conclusions achieved from this study as follows: (1) the water supply weighting factor and carryover storage target have a direct impact on the three elements of the hedging rule; (2) parameters can guide reservoirs to supply water reasonably after optimization of the simulation and optimization model; and (3) in order to verify the utility of the hedging rule, the Heiquan reservoir is used as a case study and particle swarm optimization algorithm with a simulation model is adopted for optimizing the parameter. The results show that the proposed hedging rule can improve the operation performances of the water supply reservoir.

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