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Influence of coarse aggregate on concrete?s elasticity modulus

Antônio Carlos dos Santos    
Angela Maria de Arruda    
Turibio José da Silva    
Paula de Carvalho Palma Vitor    
Leandro Mouta Trautwein    


 The modulus of elasticity of concrete is an important property because it is crucial for the control of deformation. The impossibility of obtaining concrete with higher elasticity modulus rates may cause economic liabilities due to the need for larger structural elements. Current paper evaluates three compressive strength classes (20, 30 and 40MPa) of concrete produced with two types of coarse aggregate, basalt and dolomite rock from the Triângulo Mineiro region, Brazil. Further, 459 cylindrical test specimens were cast for the experimental study. The experimental results of the elasticity modulus rates were compared and with formulations prescribed by four standards: ABNT NBR 6118, ACI 318, Eurocode 2 and FIB Model Code. Comparisons demonstrated that the effect of coarse aggregate on the elasticity modulus was negligible when compared to the concrete?s resistance class. 

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