Cognitive Radio based network technology provides better spectrum utilization and resource allocation. Generally, the dynamic network topology, interference, path switching and under-utilization of resource can degrade the network performance. The routing protocols are classified as local and global which are mainly focused on overhead reduction and optimal route selection respectively. However, the conventional approaches suffer from various issues such as interflow-interference, path switching delay and node overhearing problems. In this paper, we present a Joint Cooperative Path and Interference Cognizant Scheduling (JCPICS), which focus on the inter-flow interference, channel switching delay, and a cooperative communication based approaches. Furthermore, Switching Delay and Interference (SDI) routing metric is developed to reduce the switching delay and cooperative scheme of packet transmission is developed where direct or cooperative communication is selected for successful packet transmission. The performance of proposed approach is compared with the existing techniques such as Primary User Aware k-hop route discovery scheme (PAK), AODV, Cognitive-AODV, and Location-Aided Routing for CRN (LAUNCH) in terms of delay and throughput.