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Faktor ? Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pendapatan Pedagang Pasar Juwana Baru di Kabupaten Pati

Safaatur Rohmah    


Pasar rakyat merupakan salah satu indikator paling nyata kegiatan ekonomi di suatu wilayah. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah berapa Besar pengaruh modal berdagang, lokasi berdagang, jam kerja pedagang terhadap pendapatan pedagang di Pasar Juwana Baru Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh modal berdagang, lokasi berdagang dan jam kerja pedagang terhadap pendapatan pedagang pasar Juwana Baru Kabupaten Pati. Populasi penelitian yaitu pedagang Pasar Juwana Baru Kabupaten Pati sebanyak 1578 pedagang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 94 responden. diambil melalui teknik Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi berganda, uji hipotesis secara parsial (uji t), uji hipotesis secara simultan (uji F) dan koefisien determinasi ganda pada level significance 5%. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi ganda dapat diketahui bahwa modal berdagang, lokasi berdagang, jam kerja pedagang secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi variabel dependen pendapatan pedagang pasar sebesar 87,8%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 12,2% disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor lain.People market is one of the most obvious indicators of economic activity in a region. Problems in this research are how big the influence of trading capital, trade location, hours of merchant's work to the merchant's income in Pasar Juwana Baru Pati Regency. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of trading capital, trade location and hours of merchant work on the income of market traders Juwana Baru Pati regency. The population of this research is traders of Juwana Baru Market in Pati as many as 1578 traders. The samples in this research were 95 respondents taken by using Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. By using multiple regression analysis, partial hypothesis test (t-test), simultaneous hypothesis test (F test) and double determination coefficient at significance level 5%. The result of the test of the coefficient of double determination can be seen that capital, location, hours trading together influence dependent variable of marketer's merchant income equal to 87,8%, while the rest equal to 12,2% caused by other factors. 

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