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A study on appropriate road spacing for the functionally hierarchical network planning

Azusa Goto    
Hideki Nakamura    


This study aims at formulating appropriate ranges of road spacing shown with the travel speeds in the classification for a two-level grid network. The appropriate range is determined by the maximum and minimum values. The minimum road spacing is determined so that the target travel speed can be achieved in operational stage. The maximum road spacing is calculated for satisfying the two conditions in which 1) target travel time can be achieved and 2) travel distance of higher target travel speed greater than that of lower target travel speed. Within the obtained range of road spacing, the maximum travel distance between Community Center (CMC) and Lower Urban Center (LUC) is calculated. Accordingly, it become possible to obtain the required scenario of target travel speed and road spacing in the subjective regions, for the assumed level of target travel time achievement.

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