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Inicio  /  Energies  /  Vol: 6 Núm: 2Pages5 Par: Februar (2013)  /  Artículo

A Photovoltaic Power System Using a High Step-up Converter for DC Load Applications

Sheng-Yu Tseng and Hung-Yuan Wang    


This paper presents a power system using a high step-up converter for dc load applications. The high step-up converter adopts a boost converter with interleaved mode and a coupled inductor to raise its powering ability and increase its step-up voltage ratio, respectively. In order to increase conversion efficiency, an active clamp circuit is introduced into the proposed one to provide soft-switching features to reduce switching losses. Moreover, switches in the converter and active clamp circuit are integrated with a synchronous switching technique to reduce circuit complexity and component counts, resulting in a lower cost and smaller volume. A perturb and observe method is adopted to extract the maximum power from photovoltaic (PV) arrays. Furthermore, a microchip associated with PWM IC is used to implement maximum power point tracking operation, voltage regulation and power management. Finally, a prototype PV power system with 400 V/6 A has been implemented for verifying the feasibility of the proposed PV power system. It is shown to be suitable for PV energy conversion applications when the duty ratios of switches in the dc/dc converter are less than 0.5.

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