Stelloglyphus llicoensis isp. nov. is a large radial, discoidal to ellipsoidal trace fossil with a central shaft and single to bifurcating branches radiating from different levels. A 30 m thick measured section of the Ranquil Formation at Punta Litre contains an associated trace fossil assemblage including Zoophycos, Chondrites, Phycosiphon, Nereites missouriensis, Lockeiasiliquaria, Psammichnites(?), Parataenidium,Ophiomorpha, and Rhizocorallium, some of which reworked the Stelloglyphus traces. The sedimentology, together with micro- and macrofossils and the associated trace fossil assemblage, suggest that the succession was deposited in an outer continental shelf to slope environment in subtropical to tropical waters.