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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 6 Par: June (2018)  /  Artículo

Evaluation of the Implicit Gradient-Enhanced Regularization of a Damage-Plasticity Rock Model

Magdalena Schreter    
Matthias Neuner and Günter Hofstetter    


In the present publication, the performance of an implicit gradient-enhanced damage-plasticity model is evaluated with special focus on the prediction of complex failure modes such as shear failure. Hence, it complements studies on predominant mode I failure frequently found in the literature. To this end, an implicit gradient-enhanced damage-plasticity rock model is presented and validated by means of 2D and 3D finite element simulations of both laboratory tests on intact rock specimens as well as a large-scale structural benchmark related to failure of rock mass. Thereby, a wide range of loading conditions comprising unconfined and/or confined, tensile and/or compressive stress states is considered. The capability of the gradient-enhanced rock model for representing the mechanical response objectively with respect to the finite element discretization and realistically compared to measurement data is assessed. It is shown that complex failure modes and the respective load–displacement curves are predicted in a mesh-insensitive manner.

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