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Inicio  /  Atmósfera  /  Vol: 29 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2016)  /  Artículo

Simple statistical models of surface/atmosphere energy fluxes and their hysteresis in a desertic Mexican city (Mexicali)

Adalberto Tejeda-Martínez    
Onofre Rafael García-Cueto    
Lourdes Paola Aquino-Martínez    
Maryam Nava-Assad    


Statistical models for surface-atmosphere energy balance components (net radiation, sensible heat, and soil-stored heat) as functions of global radiation are proposed. This study was carried out during three seasons (winter, spring, and summer) in Mexicali, an arid city of northwest México, by means of representative measurement campaigns of three types of land use in the study zone: urban, rural (desert), and farmed suburban. The hysteresis pattern in the proposed models between the global radiation and net radiation was found during summer at suburban and urban sites, which seems to be originated by atmospheric moisture introduced by artificial irrigation and the thermal inertia of land cover. The coefficient of determination (R2) and the mean square error are used as indicators of the quality of models.

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