Original single-layer and multilayer structures of sound-insulating panels are considered, as well as their advantages compared to traditional analogs.The shortcomings of the method of optimization calculation of a group of sound-insulating panels designed to reduce noise in several production rooms are analyzed. This method has limited functionality due to a relatively small number of objective functions and the corresponding conditions for their use. Given this, an improved method of optimization calculation of a group of sound-insulating panels is proposed.The improvement of the method consists in increasing the number of objective functions intended for multipurpose optimization taking into account real production conditions. The refinement of the algorithm consists in the preliminary selection of a subgroup of panels with additional requirements for operating conditions (increased strength, fire safety, etc.). Under these conditions, the operator directionally distributes structures and materials among the selected panels.The statement of the optimization problem of group calculation with an extended list of objective functions and restrictions is given. Recommendations on selecting an objective function in specific production conditions are given.The regulatory requirements for noise reduction in production rooms and spectral characteristics of sound insulation of panels made of various materials are given. The spectral characteristics of noise in the room before and after application of the sound-insulating panel are also given.The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the steady reduction of the mathematical expectation and variance of the total noise load on people in production premises with an increase in the number of iterations. The calculation method demonstrated the reduction of excess noise load in comparison with standard methods