At the School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Yucatan, the use of computers in teaching to undergraduatestudents is mostly oriented to budgeting and to structural analysis tasks. Also the curricula does not emphasizes aspects offield productivity data acquisition, nor the observation of the construction field dynamics. This paper presents the structureof a degree level course designed specifically to teach civil engineering students on how to combine the concepts ofproductivity recording and computer simulation. The main goal of this course is that the students get the knowledge on howto use the currently available tools and methods for making realistic estimation of field work duration and cost. This courseis divided in four parts. In the first part, the students learn how to use the simulation system and its probabilistic CPM Add-On. In the second part, the students are introduced to the basic fundamentals of the Factors Model. In the third part of thecourse the students are asked to get involved in the observation of field construction processes. In the last part, the studentsare asked to analyze the field data, and to build simulation models. Courses similar to the one presented in this paperemphasize the need to link the theoretical concepts, with the reality of the construction field.