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Inicio  /  Energies  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 3Pages1 Par: March (2015)  /  Artículo

Design of an LLC Resonant Converter for Driving Multiple LED Lights Using Current Balancing of Capacitor and Transformer

Jae-Hyun Han and Young-Cheol Lim    


In this study, to achieve the constant current drive and brightness control without a separate pulse width modulation (PWM) converter, a single converter is designed and verified by experiment under the condition of a multiple LED light load with different output voltage (Vf) characteristics. In the case of the input of 140 Watt class level, the proposed converter can drive two voltage type 95 Vdc (300 mA) light emitting diode (LED) lights loads and 120 Vdc (300 mA) LED lights loads simultaneously. In addition, to improve commercial compatibility, the proposed converter is operated in a wide range of the input voltage 90~264 Vac; also, the Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuit with the input power factor of more than 0.9 is added. In order to maximize the power conversion efficiency, a LLC resonant converter is applied to the PFC block with the output voltage of 380 Vdc and to a DC-DC conversion block. Finally, reliability of the proposed converter is verified through total harmonic distortion (THD) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) tests.

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