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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 7 Par: July (2018)  /  Artículo

Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes

Svetlana V. Kononova    
Galina N. Gubanova    
Eleonora N. Korytkova    
Denis A. Sapegin    
Katerina Setnickova    
Roman Petrychkovych and Petr Uchytil    


Based on the results of research works reflected in the scientific literature, the main examples, methods and approaches to the development of polymer inorganic nanocomposite materials for target membranes are considered. The focus is on membranes for critical technologies with improved mechanical, thermal properties that have the necessary capabilities to solve the problems of a selective pervaporation. For the purpose of directional changes in the parameters of membranes, effects on their properties of the type, amount and conditions of nanoparticle incorporation into the polymer matrix were analyzed. An influence of nanoparticles on the structural and morphological characteristics of the nanocomposite film is considered, as well as possibilities of forming transport channels for separated liquids are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to a correlation of nanocomposite structure-transport properties of membranes, whose separation characteristics are usually considered within the framework of the diffusion-sorption mechanism.

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