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Inicio  /  Andean Geology  /  Vol: 37 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2010)  /  Artículo

Estuary deposits in the Rio Baguales Formation (Chattian-Aquitanean), Magallanes Province, Chile.

Jacobus Le Roux    
Jacqueline Puratich    
F. Amaro Mourgues    
Jose Luis Oyarzun    
Rodrigo A. Otero    
Teresa Torres    
Francisco Herve    


Very little work has been done on the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene Río Baguales Formation in the Magallanes Province of southern Chile since its original definition in 1957. A detailed stratigraphic section of the upper part of the formation exposed west of the Baguales River is presented, with an interpretation of depositional environments. This indicates a prograding shoreline in which estuary mouth, middle estuary (lagoon) and bay head delta facies are represented. Large-scale delta slope foresets indicate progradation towards the north and northwest, whereas southeast-directed cross-beds on the delta front probably suggest wave action. The general sequence reflects a gradual sea-level fall largely counteracted by tectonic subsidence, which provided the necessary accommodation space for thick tidal flat and subtidal deposits to accumulate. A longer period of transgression towards the top of the succession may be related to a rise in sea-level or accelerated tectonic subsidence, whereas a major regression commencing at around 23.3 Ma probably coincides with the opening of the Drake Passage and the growth of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.

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