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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 7 Par: July (2018)  /  Artículo

A Study on Optimal Compensation Design for Meteorological Satellites in the Presence of Periodic Disturbance

Shijie Xu    
Naigang Cui    
Youhua Fan and Yingzi Guan    


Periodic disturbance may cause serious effects on the attitude of meteorological satellites, and the attenuation of periodic disturbance is required. In this paper, a fundamental study on the optimal design of constant compensations against known-law periodic disturbance for meteorological satellites is investigated. An analytical solution for the relationship between the frequency and amplitude ratios and the response of a typical second-order vibration system is firstly derived. The compensation and disturbance torques are determined according to practical engineering. The criteria for designing the optimal compensations are based on the analytical and simulation results. Then, the criteria are applied to a flexible spacecraft actuated by constant control torque in the presence of sustained periodic disturbance. The optimal compensation torque parameters for spacecraft are acquired based on former criteria. The compensate effectiveness of the optimal compensation torque is provided and compared with results of other selections in the frequency and amplitude ratio domain. Numerical simulation results and experimental results clearly demonstrate the good performance of proposed criteria. This work provides a significant reference for the vibration attenuation of meteorological satellites in the present of periodic disturbance.

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