A constitutive model was used to evaluate the fatigue performance of asphalt concrete, consideringdamage evolution. The aim of the paper is to present a methodology capable of predicting fatigue life in asphalt concretemore realistically and comparable with field fatigue life. Firstly, the correspondence principle was verified, which is basedon the calculation of pseudo deformations and the relaxation curve as a function of time. In turn, this relaxation curve waspredicted through the creep test. Consequently, the master creep compliance curve and the master relaxation curve wereobtained using the Prony series and the theory of viscoelasticity. Then, the constitutive model for uniaxial stress-strainbehaviour was presented and it was shown that the model provides a satisfactory characterization of the mechanicalbehaviour of asphalt concrete under uniaxial loading. The theoretical model was used to predict fatigue performance inasphalt concrete by means of a fatigue curve, which present a smaller slope compared to the conventional curves. Withinthe range of tensile strains analyzed, this curve presents higher values of number of repetitions to failure, indicating a betterfatigue resistance.