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Inicio  /  ARCHNET-IJAR  /  Vol: 9 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2015)  /  Artículo

The City Built in Elementary Parts: An Alternative to Delirium of Post-metropolis

Renato Capozzi    
Adelina Picone    
Federica Visconti    


Starting from Italy and from the book Manifesto del Nuovo Realismo (2012) by the philosopher Maurizio Ferraris, a new paradigm was born: a critical return to a ?strong thought? opposite to the previous post-modern paradigm. What?s about Architecture? The paper works out again the reflection developed through a series of conferences and exhibition, inviting architects and philosophers ? Italian and foreigners ? to think over ?Architecture and Realism? of the last three years. Starting from an initial assessment of these initiatives, the need of improved tie of our discipline ? architecture ? with reality emerged; a reality that we have to properly know and understand with the aim ? remembering Lukács ? of building «a real and adequate space, able to visually evoke adequacy» and, in this way, counteracting the senselessness of contemporary architecture as reductio ad imaginem and the amorphous growth of globalized post-metropolis. Because the authors believe in Architecture a circularity exists between Theory and Practice, some projects at the urban scale are showed to clarify theoretical affirmations in the text.

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