In this paper, the authors report the remains of some taxa of Pleistocene mammals coming from Chaco Province, Argentina. These remains were classified as Glyptodon sp., Neosclerocalyptus cf. N. heusseri, Panochthus sp., Propraopus grandis, Megatherium cf. M. americanum, Megatherium sp., Scelidotherium cf. S. leptocephalum, Lestodon sp., Equus (Amerhippus) neogeus, Toxodon cf. T. gezi and Toxodon sp., Smilodon populator, Morenelaphus sp., Stegomastodon cf. S. platensis and Stegomastodon sp. It is possible to assign a Bonaerian-Lujanian age (middle Pleistocene-early Holocene) for this assemblage of mammals. Paleozoogeographically, the authors remark the similitude of the taxa here described and those reported for the pampean region, Santa Fe, Formosa, Paraguay and southern Bolivia. This situation permits to infer similar climatic conditions among these areas. On the other hand, a preliminary palaeofaunistic comparison with Chile shows some significative differences, specially with central Chile, while the southern and northern regions are more similar to the Argentinian Quaternary paleofauna.