This article shows the results about the development of a digital image processing system for the analysis of non-melanoma cancer and actinic keratosis, whose design starts from the implementation of morphological and filtering algorithms, among others, in which some characteristics are explored as the asymmetry, edges, color and diameter, typical of the spot or mole of this type of skin cancer. As a research methodology, we used mathematical modeling and simulation of algorithms that adjust to the requirements of the diagnosis, according to certain variables associated with the study image, which allow interpretation and inference by the specialist regarding them. In this sense, the ABCDE model of melanoma is taken as a parameter of analysis and study of a mole. Finally, the importance of implementing certain algorithms directly related to artificial vision is established, with a view to establishing a better functional software prospectus, which facilitates the decision making of the specialist regarding the type of melanoma and subsequent treatment to be followed.