In order to make Malaysia a developed nation by 2020 one of the crucial things is health care and to conduct prevention at an early stage. Hence, health education programme at an early stage has been conducted with primary school children to prevent them from engaging in negative behaviours such as smoking. Currently, the health education programme was organized in poster presentation form. However, in these studies, it was transformed into an interactive school health programme with an active participation from the school children. It is designed to increase the children's learning retention through an active interaction programme.Keywords: Interactive Programme; School Children; Smoking Prevention; Health Education.ISSN: 2398-4287© 2017. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license ( Peer?review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.