Ever since the new millennium, registration rates and voter turnouts for the general elections among Malaysian youths between the age range of 21 and 22 years have been low and dismaying, particularly so in non-urban locations. With the number of youths forming a significant percentage of Malaysia?s population, targeting eligible youths for the various political parties is imperative in winning the elections. Furthermore, youth participation and engagement in national politics have been impactful in the direction and development of Malaysia?s government and administration. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the influence factors on the intention to vote in the next general election among youths in rural areas. The study was conducted using a quantitative design, crosssectional survey. The unit of analysis was identified through stratified sampling technique. From a sample size of 400 (n=400), the returned rate was 370 or 92.5%. The findings revealed that there was a significant relationship between the factors of youth?s to vote in the next general election based on four variables; awareness, persuading method, spatial representation, and political vote choice. The regression analysis ranked awareness as the most influential factor in the youths? intentions to vote. The study also found that the moderating role of gender is the most significant factor among the four influence factors. The findings suggest that the rural youths? intentions to vote in the next general election would be intensified if regular promotions are done to enhance awareness. Therefore, the relevant stakeholders should take note of this when campaigning for their party. Aside from that, the findings provide additional literature to the body of knowledge on the political inclination of the younger generation.