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Estimated Atmospheric Emission from Motor Transport in Moscow Based on Transport Model of the City

Vadim Donchenko    
Yuli Kunin    
Andrei Ruzski    
Leonid Barishev    
... Vladislav Mekhonoshin    


Motor transport is a main contributor to atmospheric air pollution in big cities. Estimation and forecast of harmful substances emission from motor transport is an important task in the framework of development of sustainable urban transport policy in big cities. Calculation method for motor transport emission inventory was developed by NIIAT taking into account of existing approaches (CORINAIR) and specific features of national motor fleet and traffic conditions. On the base of transport model of the city (Moscow), traffic data, data on congestions received from GPS tracks and data of traffic investigations there were made calculations of existing motor transport emission. In calculation there were also used the existing data on motor fuels environmental quality. The results of calculations gave the existing picture of distribution of motor transport emission in Moscow by vehicle types, by their environmental classes, by harmful substances (20 substances including such as benzpyrene, aldehyde), by territory (central part, motorways, residential areas) and by time of day. On the base of developed calculation method and the use of modified transport model of the city there was made estimation of motor transport emission in Moscow in the period from 2011 to 2014 taking into account change of motor fleet, changes in town-planning, in urban road infrastructure, in public transport system. These calculations gives the base for City Government policy decisions assessment.

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