The objective of this paper is to evaluate a popular shopping mall, named the CPC, focusing on its location, use, aesthetics and security. The global and local integration values of streets surrounding the CPC and the former Square XV Camelódromo are compared in order to evidence their level of accessibility. Concerning use, the following specific objectives are investigated: retailers? and CPC users? preference for a popular shopping mall type and CPC users? knowledge and shopping routines in the former Square XV Camelódromo; retailers? and CPC users? levels of satisfaction with the CPC, evaluations of the CPC building and shops location regarding sales, assessments of the existence of a food court and a bus terminal in the CPC building. In relation to aesthetics, retailers? and CPC users? evaluations of the internal appearance of the CPC, and retailers?, CPC users? and architects? assessments of the external appearance of the CPC are revealed. Moreover, retailers? and CPC users? evaluations of security in the bus terminal in the CPC building and in downtown Porto Alegre are identified. Data gathering methods included archival surveys, physical measurements, behavioral observations, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed through non-parametric statistical tests and space syntax methods. Results corroborate findings of other studies regarding the need for movement of people and visibility of shops at ground level, in order to achieve a satisfactory sales performance. Moreover, the CPC external appearance tends to be differently evaluated among retailers, CPC users and architects.