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Road Safety Screening on the Move

T. Kathmann    
H. Ziegler    
M. Pozybill    


The target is quite high: Germany aims to reduce the number of fatalities and seriously injured persons by 40% until 2020 compared to the values of 2010. In order to achieve this aim, great efforts have to be considered. The federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Germany has committed itself to reach this goal and therefore introduced a Road Safety Concept with 90 tasks which was presented to the public in 2013. One of the central measures described therein is the Road Safety Screening. A basic part of the newly developed Road Safety Screening is the integration of all necessary information in one main database. Traffic data for up to 8 vehicle classes was available due to a nationwide traffic monitoring scheme. As automatic classifiers were used, for the first time speed data was also available showing average speed, v85-speed and the percentage of drivers exceeding the signed speed limit. Next to this, road geometry data (i.e. road width, curvature, gradient, superelevation) was integrated into the database as well as data concerning the road condition (i.e. skid resistance, unevenness, rutting depth, mending areas, cracks). Pictures from the inspection tour were also added giving a good overview of the situation. The most important part obviously was the accident data. Based on these data the accident risk described by the value of the safety potential was calculated for all road sections. To provide an easy access to this vast data base for the user, a web platform was created. Based on OpenStreetMap the user can choose between the different parameters described above to be displayed in the map. As more than one layer can be selected, these combinations can help to identify the accident causes (i.e. curvature/excessive speed). Several special accident analyses were also conducted (i.e. motorcycle accidents) and the results summarised in fact sheets for every road section, which can be downloaded directly by clicking on the element of interest in the map. The user of the Road Safety Screening is also supplied with a tool for analysing the accident situation in detail. By combining different parameters like high accident risk, high traffic volume and excessive speed the map is updated accordingly and the user can concentrate on the worst accident black spots that are identified in his area of responsibility. The filtered list of the relevant road sections can be downloaded as xls-file for further reference. Since 2014 the use of the Road Safety Screening as a tool to identify accident black spots and select appropriate measures is compulsory in Baden-Wurttemberg. Up till now more than 600 employees from the administrative bodies concerned with road safety as well as the police have been trained to use the tool and got an individual access. So fare the Road Safety Screening has proved to be a valuable tool in dealing with accident black spots and in helping to achieve the set targets. Baden-Wuertemberg is not going to stop here. More special analyses are already assigned and new ideas for a further improvement of the tool are being developed.

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